Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Training: 2/16 to 2/22

Confession: I can absolutely see how my training would be less than useful, if not wildly uninteresting. I'm still too slow to be looked up to as an elite runner (the type whose training logs I have absolutely devoured in my day), but also probably too serious/intense in training to be a useful example for the average joe. I love it when people ask me for running advice, and I always do my best to help them out, but the last thing I would say is "oh just check out my log and copy that, you'll do great."

But at the same time I think if we're going to have this blog, it shouldn't just be for the big sporadic updates. So I'm going to try to give a really quick summary of what I did each week in case anyone finds it remotely useful in their own athletic lives.

A note first: the things that I consider important in training are 1.) hard workouts, and 2.) total mileage. Somewhere in there are a whole bunch of other really important things like sleep, hydration, hours worked, etc. but since I don't measure those with any regularity they will be ignored. But I digress.

Sun 2/16: 7.5 miles (AM) and 4.6 miles (PM) easy - 7:30 to 8:00 pace

Mon 2/17: 8.2 miles (AM) and 5.0 miles (PM) easy - 7:25 to 7:40 pace

Tue 2/18: Warmup, 7x 3 min fast / 3 min medium fartlek (41 min total). Covered 7.32 miles at 5:30 pace average, no idea on the actual pace of individual fast/slow parts.

Wed 2/19: 4.6 miles (AM) and 5.9 miles (PM) easy - 7:30 to 7:40 pace

Thu 2/20: 8 miles easy (AM) and 4.3 miles with 8x12 seconds hill sprints (PM)

Fri 2/21: 6 miles (AM) and 4.6 miles (PM) easy - 7:20 to 7:40 pace

Sat 2/22: 4.6 miles (AM) and 3.1 miles (PM) easy with 3x20 second strides in PM

Week Total: 81 miles, ~8 miles of quality work

Sun 2/23: Ran the Cowtown Marathon in 2:35 (5:55/mile). First 20 miles in 1:55:40 (5:47 pace) then a little slower into the finish to get under the 2:36 existing course record.

Next up is getting back into serious training - so far I've just banked on residual fitness from my Houston buildup. Looking forward to keeping this thing updated with all of the good and the bad...

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