We are 29 weeks into this pregnancy and the last two weeks have gone by quite fast. I’m up 22ish pounds from getting pregnant, still in the normal range. Of course I have a handful of apps telling me this and on one I've been at the higher end of weight gain each week for the last two months. I asked my doctor about it at my last appointment and she had the same response my super smart husband told me just days before. Since I started out with lower body fat than what most women have my body is just making up for the difference.
It has been a little interesting food wise. I've noticed that I’m not craving my typical unhealthy food as much...flaming hot cheetos, mexican candy, etc. Instead I've indulged in the sweeter side of things. I've always loved chocolate and coffee ice cream and that has probably increased a little more these last few weeks. Obviously I'm getting in a ton of healthy foods too, but those aren't quite as fun to talk about : ) A few people have asked me if now I'm able to eat however much I want. The answer is not what they expect. It is kind of shocking to know that creating a human life actually burns fewer calories than 75-85 miles a week of running. Much less.
Running has been decreasing a lot lately. I've kept runs very short, three miles, and very slow. I still seem to have foot issues so I've take a full week+ off, but I’m having a hard time seeing that increasing during the rest of the pregnancy. I’m still keeping Jer company on the bike during some of his runs, being VERY careful, along with keeping up with cross training and body pump classes. I really can’t complain too much about the inability to run right now. Things have been pretty smooth this pregnancy compared to what it could be. For instance, my wonderful mom. She was basically bed ridden starting the day she found out she was pregnant with me. I gave her much more obnoxious morning sickness that what I dealt with a few months ago. I was also a big turd who stayed in a few weeks past the due date. We’ll have to wait and see how things play out with that last part, but so far so good.
Nugs is doing great. She is getting increasingly stronger each passing day. I’m still having a hard time figuring out how her kicks could get more powerful over the next 2+ months, but I have no doubt they will. We are still trying to come up with a name for this little chiquita. So. Much. Pressure.
28 Weeks |
28 Weeks |
29 Weeks |
29 Weeks |
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