One more week to go until D-day! Yesterday marked 39 weeks and I’m keeping my fingers crossed she can hang in there for another 8 days. We’ve got a home meet Friday, the day after her due date, and I’m hoping I can make that one. I’ve decided to not get in anymore elliptical until she gets here, in hopes that’ll help to keep her in a little longer. Nugs has been a real trooper through this whole process, so if she does me this solid I think it’s a little foreshadowing of how awesome our mother-daughter relationship will be. That’s how it works right?!
I’m currently 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced as of Wednesday. So basically she could be here tomorrow or a few weeks from now. I haven't felt any Braxton Hicks contractions, or at least I don't think I have, so that's promising. She’s been great about letting me sleep too. 8+ hours a night has been magical. I just get up once during the night to use the bathroom. I haven’t had any back pain since the last post, two weeks ago. Everyone keeps asking me how I must be so ready to get her out, but honestly I’m cool if she stays in there, at least for a few more weeks :)
38 Weeks |
38 Weeks |
39 Weeks |
39 Weeks |
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