I’m officially 37 weeks into this pregnancy, 3 more to go until my expected due date. Depending on who you ask I’m considered full term, which is nuts to comprehend. Baby Daum could come at any moment so we’re trying to cope with the reality of that. Jer and I are so excited, but again, still struggling with the right name for little nugget.
This past month has actually been pretty great. I’m a lot more comfortable than I was the first few months of this pregnancy. I’ve started to develop some minor upper backaches this last week and a half, but they don’t last long and I’ll get it about once every other day. I'll take those over those achy ligaments expanding any day! I’ve put on about 30 pounds since getting pregnant now, still mostly belly. I did try running a few weeks ago. I made it over a mile, but it was probably around 11:00 minute pace and saying that it was super uncomfortable is definitely an understatement. I’ve just been sticking with the elliptical machine in the meantime and getting in some core, light weights, and stretching. I have this deal with myself. If I get in at least 30 minutes of ellipticalling that day I get a bowl of ice cream. No elliptical? No ice cream! I think it’s pretty fair.
On the subject of working out...I use the cardio room at Trinity for most of the week's workouts. Well something I've noticed a lot more this semester than last is the abundant amount of glares I'll get from students in there. I don't think they realize I'm a married 28 year old, who works at the university. I'm pretty sure most of them think I'm a student. It's hard to blame them I guess. I haven't worn my wedding ring for the last 5 or 6 weeks or so due to my fingers looking less like skeleton fingers and more like normal people fingers (thanks swelling!).
I'm also giving in to the stereotypes and admitting I have a few cravings. First one? Arby's roast beef sandwich with ALL of the Arby sauce. I'll get it at least once a week, sometimes twice. So tasty! Second? Coffee ice cream. It's what I have roughly 4-6 nights a week. I'm honestly afraid to think how many Blue Bell half gallon tubs I've gone through. But it's so delicious and oh so creamy.
We've put together the crib for little nugget and have the car seat ready to go. I just hope she keeps baking long enough for me to see a few more track meets before the team leaves for California!
34 Weeks |
34 Week |
35 Weeks |
35 Weeks |
36 Weeks |
36 Weeks |
37 Weeks |
37 Weeks |
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